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Check in: from 15.00 to 19.30 (Late check-in possible)
Check out: until 11.00
Please inform us when you arrive later then 19.30, that we can inform you about the late check-in. Thank you very much
Phone number: +41279671177
Luggage storage
When you arrive already in the morning and your room is not ready yet, you can leave your luggage with us at the reception.
Check-in information
Trip to Zermatt...
... with the car
When you travel with your car to Zermatt, your road trip ends in Täsch. Täsch is the village before Zermatt. In Täsch you find a lot of parking possibilities. «Terminal Täsch» is the biggest parking and the closest parking to the train station. From there you can take the train to Zermatt, the trains run every 20 minutes until 23.00.
... with the train
When you travel with the train, you journey ends in Zermatt.
On the following page, you find all information for your journey with the train, like schedule, online tickets…
From the train station to the Hotel...
... by foot (15 minutes)
After a long journey, you are maybe happy to walk to the hotel and discover already the village. The following directions help you to find our hotel.
1. After you get out of the train, follow the people to the taxi stand and turn right into the main street of Zermatt. Around 5 to 8 minutes you walk up this street and pass many sport shops and local restaurants.
2. By the church next to a fountain, you turn left and walk this street until you reach the hotel, walking distance from here around 5 minutes.
Behind the fountain is the Zermatt museum. On the way you will pass the mountain climber cemetery and catch a first view to our famous mountain, the Matterhorn.
... with the taxi
When you prefer to take a taxi you will find a lot of taxis just in front of the train station. The price is around CHF 18.00 for one ride.
Please note that we do not offer a shuttle service from the train station.
Hotel Distanzen
Hotel distance by foot
10 - 15 minutes from the train station
8 - 10 minutes from the mountain stations
5 - 8 minutes from the village center
3 - 5 minutes from the bus station
0 - 3 minutes to many different restaurants
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